No new members and 1 waiver. The total number at the end of this period is 5 members.
During the period, Steatornis has had several collaborations with individuals and organizations. Due to the pandemic, not many open meetings or events were held.
The event "open art evening" began as a collaboration between NHFU Trøndelag and Steatornis.
Steatornis became a member of Balansekunst in 2019, and as part of the collaboration Steatornis will contribute to increasing diversity expertise at Balansekunst.
In 2021, Steatornis achieved the Balance label against sexual harassment in cultural life.
On 27 February, Norges Handikapforbunds Ungdom Trøndelag and Steatornis entered into a cooperation agreement. This applies to cooperation on planning, implementation and reporting for activities such as open art evenings and other cultural activities agreed upon by the organizations. The agreement lasts until 2026.
Jasmin has worked with various tasks related to administration, documentation, graphics, and social media during the period.
She also designed for the graphics we had on anniversaries.
Steatornis has held nine board meetings during the period.
Physical meetings were arranged in Trondheim as far as possible. The board has also been in regular contact on Messenger.
Thomas Tajo resigned as international manager on 16.08.2021 to simplify roles in connection with the "Inclusive Mobility" project.
The annual meeting was held on 13.06.2021. All invitees were physically present.
The annual meeting was constituted with Maria Puenchir as chair, Kristian Smevåg-Olsen as referent, and Ingunn Mulders and Martine Eliasson as protocol signatories.
The annual report for 2020 was corrected and approved.
The accounts for 2020 were approved and showed an actual profit of NOK 96.76 plus.
The budget for 2021 was approved with an expected result of NOK 296.76 plus. Costs for food and fruit during the annual meeting will be included in the budget going forward.
The action plan for 2021 was adopted and contained the following:
These wishes from the annual meeting were noted:
The art festival Fribåren will be postponed until 2023.
There are three cases received, of which all cases are for information: "Inclusive Mobility", cultural appropriation and administration.
The election of the board ends in the division of roles remaining unchanged until the next period. An auditor is considered unnecessary at this time.
The elected Board of Steatornis 2022 is Maria Puenchir as chair, Fatuma Abdi as deputy chair, Kristian Smevåg-Olsen as secretary with financial responsibility and Thomas Tajo as board member with international responsibility.
In early 2021, Steatornis became involved in a European collaborative project started by Thomas Tajo and his organization Vision Inclusive. After several meetings between Vision Inclusive in Belgium, Steatornis in Norway, Reverso in Spain and the Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted in Italy, the work ended in an application for project funding through Erasmus+ and was submitted on 20 May 2021.
On 29 October 2021, our application was rejected.
Link: Inclusive Mobility on Vision Inclusive's web pages (english)
On 6 October 2021, in collaboration with Trondheim Kunsthall and Skeiv Verden, we arranged an "Open Art Evening in Kunsthallen". Ahmed Umar was invited to hold their performance/workshop "If you no longer have a family, make your own with clay".
At the end of 2020, Steatornis started work on achieving Balansekunst's labelling scheme called Balansemerket. The labelling scheme is intended to ensure a safe organisation for all members and volunteers by working with attitudes and highlighting guidelines and reporting routines in connection with sexual harassment.
Our work afterwards was to write guidelines against unwanted attention and make these easily accessible. We expanded the scheme and our experience and knowledge of diversity became important to make the guidelines robust enough to address all forms of discrimination and harassment. A simple and safe way to report whistleblowing cases was also established on the website.
In 2020, Arts Council Norway was assigned responsibility as national coordinator for diversity in cultural life. In connection with this, Steatornis was invited to participate in a workshop as one of several key players.
In 2021, Arts Council Norway invited diversity actors to participate in a Matchmaking workshop. Following this, an overview of competence actors and tools for diversity was launched in Norway in which Steatornis is included.
Link: Competence actors and tools for diversity in cultural life
Our chair of the board was interviewed by Marianne Knudsen on the Arts Council Norway's podcast where the theme was "does our cultural life really work for everyone?".
Link: Arts Council Norway's podcast S02EP02: Does cultural life work for everyone? (norsk) - June 11th 2021.
The annual meeting in 2021 decided that Fribåren will be postponed until 2023 with the start of preparatory work during 2022.
"Available Exhibitions: A Balance Talk about Audio-Interpreted Art"
"How are art exhibitions experienced for people with visual impairments? Is there a way for art to become accessible to everyone? KRAFT and Balansekunst invite you to a conversation about the need, benefits and responsibilities of making the art field accessible.
The conversation consists of: Maria Puenchir, Hanna Mellemsether, Sara Kollstrøm Heilevang and moderator Hilde A. Danielsen"
Links: Link to video of the seminar here - Web page of the event on Facebook
In connection with queer culture year 2022, Steatorni's "Rom uten rammer" sketched a project where we wanted to have a panel discussion in Trondheim. We applied for NOK 60 000 in funding from Arts Council Norway, but like most other applicants, we were rejected. Arts Council Norway wrote the following about the result: "A total of 264 applications were received with a total application sum of NOK 66,539,639. Twenty-five projects have been granted with a total commitment of NOK 5,000,000."
"Queer realities are multiple and have great diversity. With " Rom uten rammer ", Steatornis invites to conversation and cultural execution where multi-minorities across queerness, indigenous affiliation, multiculturalism, rights struggles, functional diversity, class background and multilingualism celebrate life, form alliances and learn with each other.
Nine board meetings were held in 2021.
Thomas Tajo resigned from his role as a board member on 16.08.2021.
In 2021, the way we organized case numbers was changed from using date to running number with year behind.
During 2021, Nextcloud was chosen as a digital platform in Steatornis. This replaces, among other things, Dropbox and Google Drive that were used interchangeably in the past. The solution is operated locally in Trondheim and is more flexible in that it gathers services such as document management, a communication service (similar to Messenger or WhatsApp), sharing of files and calendar in one place.
During this period, Kristian Smevåg-Olsen and Jasmin Grohmann have been responsible for the design of graphics.
In connection with anniversaries such as Sami National Day, the UN's International Day for the Disabled and Indigenous Peoples Day, Steatornis had graphics made by Jasmin Grohmann.
Steatornis also rents web hosting from Domeneshop AS during this period, and they are also used as a domain registrar.
Here's a little overview of how Steatornis has grown on social media since 2021.
Growth from 74 to 115 followers (55% increase).
From 33 to 35 followers and 6% increase. In 2022, the Twitter account will no longer be actively used and will function as a placeholder in the future.
Data from social media has been obtained on 14.02.2021.
The report was prepared by Kristian Smevåg-Olsen.